3 Tips to Boost Your Creative Output

Color with Kerry


Feeling creatively blocked, stuck in a rut, unable to produce the quality or quantity of work we know we're capable of? It's frustrating, deflating, and can really throw a wrench in your productivity. But don't despair! There are some simple things you can do to get unstuck and jump-start your creative output. 

Infographic: boost your creativity

1. Take a close look at your quality control process. 
Are you spending more time editing and critiquing your work than actually creating it? It's important to strike a balance between producing high-quality work and censoring yourself to the point of paralysis. If you find that you're constantly getting caught up in perfecting every little detail, try setting a time limit for each task or project and stick to it. Once your time is up, move on to something else and come back later with fresh eyes. 

2. Create for the sake of creation. 
One of the best things you can do when you're feeling creatively stuck is to simply start creating—even if you don't feel inspired or motivated. Set aside sometime each day (or week, if that's more realistic) for creative endeavors, and during that time, allow yourself to experiment freely without judgment. Doodle, write stream-of-consciousness style, or just play around with whatever materials or mediums strike your fancy. The goal is simply to get yourself moving and generate new ideas. And who knows? You might just surprise yourself with what you come up with!

3. Seek out inspiration from others. 
When we're feeling creatively blocked, it can be easy to fall into the trap of thinking that we have to go it alone. But seeking out inspiration from others is a great way to jump-start your own creativity. Attend art exhibitions, read books in genres you normally wouldn't touch, or listen to music from different cultures and eras. By opening yourself up to new and different perspectives, you'll give yourself a mental jolt that just might be enough to get those creative juices flowing again.

If you're feeling creatively blocked, remember that you're not alone—we've all been there at one time or another! Luckily, there are some simple things you can do to get unstuck and jump-start your output: take a close look at your quality control process, create for the sake of creation, and seek out inspiration from others by exposing yourself to new perspectives. With these tips in mind, you'll be well on your way to getting your creative mojo back in no time!

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