Valentine's crafts DIY Paper Doll

Color with Kerry

Coloring for Adults Paper Dolls

Valentine's Day can be a lonely time But it doesn't have to be all doom and gloom! There is plenty of joy to be found in the simple act of creative expression—especially when it comes to making your own fashion paper dolls. So why not make your own fun?

Free Printable Paper Dolls Template pdf Files

Free Template printables for personal use only.

Let's take a closer look at why these fun little dolls can bring so much happiness. 

Making paper dolls is a great way to pass the time, and it’s also a wonderful way to express yourself and be creative. Let’s take a look at how you can make your own fashion paper dolls this Valentine’s Day! 

Tools You Will Need 

To make your paper doll, you will need some basic supplies. You will need scissors, cardstock paper, markers or colored pencils, and glue. If you want to get extra fancy with your fashion paper doll design, you may also want to purchase some extra materials such as fabric swatches and ribbons for decorations. Once you have gathered all of your supplies, it's time to get started!

Designing Your Paper Doll 

The first step in creating your fashion paper doll is designing the base of the doll. This includes drawing out the shape of the body and head onto cardstock paper. Once you have created the basic shape of the doll, it is time to start adding details such as eyes, hair, clothes and accessories. When adding accessories such as jewelry or shoes, make sure that they are proportionate to the size of the body so that they look realistic. If you are using fabric swatches or ribbons for clothing or accessories on your paper doll design, use glue or tape to attach them securely. 

Finishing Touches 

Once you have finished designing your clothing and accessories on your paper doll design, it’s time for the finishing touches! Use markers or colored pencils to add color and detail to your design. For example, if you are creating an evening gown for your fashion paper doll design use black marker or pencils to add details like lace trimming around the edges or sparkles on the dress itself. When you have finished coloring in all of your details on the fashion paper doll design it is finally time for assembly!                                                                         

Creating a fashion paper doll is an easy way for single ladies everywhere who find themselves alone this Valentine's Day can still create something meaningful and express their creativity with this DIY project. With just some simple tools like scissors, cardstock paper and markers or colored pencils anyone can create their very own custom-made fashion-forward piece of art just in time for Valentine’s Day! So what are you waiting for? Grab those supplies and start crafting today!

If you're still feeling creative after finishing you can always try one of my fashion printables. These 10 samples came are straight from my coloring book and are perfect examples of the fun fashion sheets you can find inside.



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