Oh No! I Made a Coloring Book Mistake!

Color with Kerry


It's inevitable. Sooner or later, everyone who picks up a coloring book and colored pencils will make a mistake. Maybe you'll color outside the lines or maybe you'll accidentally drop your pencil and create an unwanted smudge. Whatever the case may be, don't panic! There are a few things you can do to fix your coloring book mistake.

Fix Specific Mistakes

How to Fix a Broken Page
Sometimes, it can be hard to keep your hands from shaking when you're coloring. This can result in an accidental tear in the page. If this happens, don't fret! There are a couple of ways you can fix it.

The first way is to use clear tape. Place the tape over the tear and then color over it. The second way is to tape the back of the page to another piece of paper. This will give you a solid surface to color on and will also help prevent the page from tearing again.

How to Fix Bleeding Colors
If you've ever accidentally gone outside the lines while coloring, then you know that colored pencils can be tricky. To fix this mistake, start by outlining the area with a white gel pen or a white colored pencil. Then, go over the area with the correct color. This will help blend the colors together and make the mistake less noticeable.

How to Fix an Overflow of Color
Sometimes, it can be hard to control how much pressure you're putting on your colored pencils. This can result in an overflow of color outside of the lines. To fix this mistake, start by going over the area with a dry erase marker. Then, use a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol to lighten the color." 

Other tactics

Use White Out
If you've made a mistake with a pen or pencil, chances are good that whiteout will fix it. Simply apply a small amount of white-out to the area in question and allow it to dry. Once it's dry, proceed with coloring as normal. 

Start Over
Sometimes, the best thing you can do is start over from scratch. This may seem like a daunting task, but it's really not that bad. And, chances are, you'll be much happier with your finished product if you start over rather than trying to fix a mistake. Of course, those work better with printable coloring pages than coloring books.

It may sound a little harsh, but have you ever noticed how completing the same project a 2nd time can often finish faster when you don't have to think about your actions too ahrd.

Use Watercolors 
Watercolors are a great way to fix mistakes because they can easily be blended into the surrounding area. Simply paint over your mistake with watercolors and then use a damp paintbrush to blend the edges until they're seamless.


Making a mistake while coloring may seem like the end of the world, but it's really not that big of a deal. There are plenty of ways to fix mistakes, so don't stress about it too much. Just relax and have fun!

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