Learning the meaning of gratitude

Color with Kerry


I used to think that gratitude was all about counting your blessings. That if you just focused on the good things in your life, you’d be happier. But that never really worked for me. Focusing on the good things just made me feel guilty. Like I was taking my blessings for granted.

But now I understand gratitude differently. Now I see it as a way of being in the present moment. Of being mindful of what is happening, right here, right now. When I focus on the good and the bad equally, it helps me to appreciate life more fully.

And that’s what gratitude is all about for me – appreciation. Appreciation for my health, my family, my friends, and even my enemies (because they have helped me to learn so much about myself).

So yes, I am grateful for what I have – but I am also grateful for what I don’t have. Because without those challenges and difficulties, I wouldn’t be who I am today.

I used to roll my eyes when people would talk about gratitude. It all sounded so cheesy and fake to me. Like they were just trying to make themselves feel better.

But now, I get it.

Gratitude isn’t about denying the bad things in your life. It’s about recognizing the good things in your life, even when they’re small and seemingly insignificant. It’s about being thankful for the good moments, as well as the bad ones. Because without the bad moments, we wouldn’t appreciate the good moments as much.

So yes, I am grateful for my struggles because they have helped me grow into a stronger person. And I am grateful for my loved ones who have stuck by me through thick and thin.

Discovering the meaning of gratitude

It sounds crazy, but something like being grateful for my terrible track record of taking my medication can actually make me happy. Because at least I have an illness that can be managed.

Gratitude is like a superpower or something. It has the ability to change your entire outlook on life. And once you start feeling grateful, it’s hard not to keep going. You want to be grateful for everything! The good, the bad, and the ugly – because all of it makes you who you are today.

So next time someone tells you to be grateful, don’t roll your eyes – do it! The more grateful you become, the happier you will be




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