Break a creative rut with doodles

Color with Kerry


Doodling gets a bad rap. For many of us, when we hear the word "doodle," we think of something that is childish or immature. But the truth is, doodling can be a powerful tool to help us boost our creativity.

The Science of Doodling

Doodling has been shown to improve memory recall, focus, and concentration. One study even showed that doodlers outperformed non-doodlers on tests of memory recall! And it's not just a matter of being able to focus better; research has shown that doodling can actually help us process and retain information better. 

Doodling helps us to focus because it provides our brain with a "low-stakes" activity to focus on. That is, when we are doodling, we are not worried about making mistakes or looking foolish because it's just a doodle! This allows our brain to relax and open up to new ideas and possibilities.

Now that we know a little bit about the science of doodling let's talk about how we can use doodles to become more creative. The next time you're feeling stuck, try a doodle exercise.

Doodle ideas and inspirations

kawaii doodle of cute but creepy sea creatures

creepy kawaii sealife

kawaii ghosts doodle page

kawaii food doodle page




Doodle adventure time

Set a timer for 5 minutes and start doodling. It doesn't matter what you draw; just let your mind go and see where your pen takes you. Once the time is up, take a step back and look at your doodle. What does it remind you of? What emotions does it evoke? What story could it tell? Use your answers to these questions as a starting point for whatever creative project you're working on. 

The next time you're feeling stuck creatively, grab a pen and paper and start doodling! Doodling has been shown to improve memory recall, focus, and concentration, so it's the perfect activity to help you get unstuck. Who knows—the next great idea might just be waiting for you in the margins!

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